Wordless Wednesday : There Once was an Ugly Duckling…

Grand Canal

Swans on the Canal, Dublin

Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen- In the Mood for Christmas!

I had a 5 hour stopover in Copenhagen,on my way home from Norway yesterday, and rather than spend it dragging myself around the airport shops, I hopped on a train to the city centre.    It only takes about 15 minutes to get into the city, and the Tivoli Gardens are only about 5 minutes walk from the train station.  The gardens are so full of Christmas cheer, with lights everywhere, a Christmas market and fun fair, and it was so nice to stroll around and take pictures of all the amazing sights,   If only my grandchildren were with me, they would have had eyes like saucers as there was so much to see and do, and it was a lovely mild day, about 12 degrees, which was a nice change after being in about zero degrees in Norway, with snow on the ground.

This is the main entrance – time to go and explore!


Presents, presents everywhere -, and look, someone left some parcels besides the Brussels Sprouts!   No turkeys hanging around though!






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