Wordless Wednesday : Mijas Taxis!

The Donkeys of Mijas

Ready to party in Mijas, Spain

Thursday Doors : 18 May

We have just been on a short trip to the sunshine in southern Spain, the Costa del Sol, and here are a few of the doors we came across.  Most doors that we saw were very ornate, and a lot of them had these wrought iron doors outside the wooden doors, which means the building can be cooler in summer with the wooden door open.

Or how about these ones?

Head on over to Norm’s for more



Wordless Wednesday : Window Dressing

Plaza de los Naranjos, Marbella

Wordless Wednesday : Admiring Art is an Adventure

Joan Miro paintings

Person and Birds by Joan Miro

A Word A Week Photograph Challenge : Contrast

My first two photos that show contrast were taken in Tivoli Gardens at Christmas time, they are so colourful that they immediately catch your eye, and straight away give you a happy feeling.




And in Spain, the vibrant colours of the flowers give a great contrast against the green leaves, and the white wall as background.


Progress and Nature


Wind Farms and the Rock of Gibraltar

This picture is one that is becoming more familiar as we make ‘progress’ in our lives, and need more, and cheaper, electricity.   Sometimes the structures look like invaders from space against the skyline!

Linked to Skywatch Friday

Travel Theme : Yellow

For Ailsa’s travel theme this week, the colour is yellow.  On Looking through my many photos, I find that I have surprisingly few yellow shots, but I did find a few, taken in the sunshine of Spain.

For more posts, check out http://wheresmybackpack.com/2014/02/07/travel-theme-yellow/

Let There be Light!

Draw up a chair to the fireside

Lights make such a difference to our surroundings, and when our main source of light and heat, the sun, goes to bed for the night, or goes to the other side of the world to warm up our neighbours, then it’s time to turn on the artificial lights and heat.

What could be better than sitting before an open fire, logs crackling and flames leaping, on a crisp winter’s day!

And these little lights light up the walkway for a romantic evening stroll, listening to the sound of the waves.

Strolling on the beach

On a walk through my home city, Cork, the local bank was well lit to show off the shape of the old building.

The old Munster and Leinster Bank, South Mall

During a visit to Dublin a few months ago, we visited the Maritime Museum in Dun Laoghaire, which is housed in an old church,and the stained glass windows and old ships lighting all helped to make it an interesting place to visit.   See also my post  about Dun Laoghaire

The Mariners Church, which holds the Maritime Museum

And the stairway in this ruin at an old graveyard shows some light from the top – maybe its ‘heavenly light’?

Stairway to Heaven

This post is in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge : Let there be light.

Check out more entries http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/photo-challenge-lights/

Cee’s Which Way Challenge : No 14

My photos for this challenge are a selection taken in the village of Ronda in Southern Spain, the old part of the town is full of interesting places to see,  with 3 bridges over the 100 metre deep El Tajo canyon, amazing views and lots of historical buildings dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries.   Ronda is well worth a wander if you are ever in that part of the world.  Along with the canyon and the old buildings,  the town is also famous because it is where modern bullfighting began, and every year there is a big festival to celebrate the fact.   I hope you enjoy the gallery.

Knock Knock Who’s There?

I love finding new and interesting doorways and hallways, they always make me want to see what’s on the other side, like these treasures I found recently in Spain and Gibraltar.   The Spanish people are very proud of their ornate doors, and their craftmanship is also very evident in the tiling and carvings seen everywhere.  You only have to visit someplace like Barcelona  to marvel at the works of the very talented architects of the past.     Have a look at this post by restlessjo for some fabulous examples of Gaudi work.

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