Travel Theme : Mellow

Looking out to sea

Looking out to sea

Summer and sunshine are two happenings that make us feel mellow, and lazy, and happy inside, like the old man above going for a stroll on the soft sand when the tide is out.

sitting by the lagoon

sitting by the lagoon

and on a stripy deckchair, under an umbrella, besides the turquoise water, is mellow and relaxing.

Blue skies and interesting rocks

Blue skies and interesting rocks

Check out some more mellow mood here

A Word a Week Photograph Challenge : Atmospheric

Following on from my post on the fallen trees in Currabinny Woods yesterday, I thought I should also show you some calmer photos for this week’s challenge.   Atmospheric photos of the seashore always bring holidays and sunny days to mind, and I hope you enjoy them.

Gazebo overlooking the harbour, Currabinny

On the seashore

Crosshaven, Co Cork

Weekly Photo Challenge : The World through Your Eyes

This week, I have been experimenting with the various settings on my camera, to get a different look to some of the  photos I take. In line with the Weekly Photo Challenge this week, where we are asked to share a picture that shows the world through our eyes, here are some pictures, seeing things in a different light:


Clonea strand, Co Waterford


Clouding over.


Same beach, different perspective


And finally, a beautiful little church, in the evening light.


East Ferry, Co Cork

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